Learn to Play By Ear
Wouldn't it be strange if we were asked to read before we knew how to speak English? This is what is feels like when students are asked to read music and learn their instrument at the same time. In my approach, I guide students play by ear (without sheet music) until they are comfortable with the posture & tone production on the violin. When I see students able to multitask more easily, I begin adding note reading exercises. In regard to the Suzuki method repertoire, I begin note reading work at Book 2.
Step-by-Step Approach
"Success is measured by the ease of playing, not the difficulty level of the music being played"
Success in studying violin comes from step-by-step learning. We break skills down into parts, and practice each part slowly until there are signs of mastery: relaxation in the body, ability to shift eye focus, ability to answer a question while playing, along with many other fun practice games. Slow practice and organization leads to mastery, which then lets us add additional skills and challenges in the repertoire. Success is measured by the ease of playing, not the difficulty level of the music being played.
Beautiful Tone, Character, and Joy
Creating beautiful tone on the violin represents great attention to detail, sensitivity, problem solving, and resilience. When a student learns to create beautiful tone, it is truly a gift to the world. The process creates grit, and strong, kind character for all who choose to study.
Most importantly, playing violin is an opportunity to find joy in expression! We can also find joy in the practice, getting to know ourselves, and working on our communication between teacher and student, and teacher, student and parent. The work is so rewarding. Each student and family I work with brings me incredible joy!